1953 Stanley Miller conducted an experiment to prove life could spontaneously be produced without any outside cause or direction. He put together in a test tube all the things he thought were present in the atmosphere of earth at the time and then he zapped it with electricity. Well 5 days later simple amino acids formed. Now this is not living organic matter, but it did amazed the scientific community and many doubted the need for God.
What is amazingly obvious to me is that he is trying to prove there is no need for outside causes or direction for the spontaneous production of life, which he did not prove anyway, but he actually ended up proving that you do need an outside force to create life.
Follow me closely on this thought:
He was the one who “Created” the experiment. He “placed” the test tube on the table. He “Added” all the components he believed were needed. He “Zapped” it with electricity. He is the outside forces and the “CREATOR” of the experiment and the results. He is trying to say that the amino acids could have developed all by themselves but he is the one who created them.
It is like saying eggs cook in a pan on the stove all by themselves. But then you put a pan on the stove. Then you turn on the heat and get the eggs prepared. Then you crack them open and add them to the hot pan. Then you stand back and watch them mysteriously cook all by themselves in the pan. You see? You did all the work. You created the cooked eggs in the pan. Just like he created the amino acids in the experiment. It would not have happened without the outside influences of a creator. He proved there must be someone or something that causes something else to happen.