(False Salvation Video) You Tube
Many people think they are saved but they actually are not at all. Take this simple test: Ask yourself this question. If you are standing before God right now and he asked you, why should I let you into heaven? What would you say?
This is a good way of determining if someone has, at least, heard the correct academic knowledge of the Gospel of Salvation. This academic knowledge is not going to save you, but at least we can determine if someone has heard the True Gospel or not. People may have the right answer on their tongue and in their heads, but it is not in their hearts. They do not follow or obey the faith.
Here are some common answers to the question above, Why should I let you into Heaven? I have been baptized, I said the sinners prayer. I go to church, I am a good person. I help people. I read my Bible. I pray. I give my money to others. I go to a study group, I believe in God, I believe in Jesus. Those sound pretty good don’t they? But.
None of these by themselves will work for you. Now these last 2 are where it can get tricky, however. These last 2 is where a great deception can take palace. The enemy of God is very crafty in this area. It is essential that we understand and clarify what these mean: “I believe in God and Jesus” The scriptures tell us even the devils believe in the son of GOD. I have talked to many cults that say they believe in Jesus. Wolves in sheep’s clothing.
1. Saying that you believe in Jesus is not enough.
2. Simply repeating a prayer- “The Sinner’s Prayer” will not do either. This is empty, a repeating of pre-written words that have no meaning in the persons heart. If you tell the Lord on that day, Lord< I said the sinner’s prayer cant you let me in. That will NOT do.. 3. Being Baptized will not save you by itself either. 4. Going to Church will not save you. 5. Reading your Bible will not save you.. Words Then what is? What is the real evidence of true salvation. How can I be sure, confident and know that I am Born Again, Saved and going to Heaven? {Explain the gospel of salvation briefly}: God is real. He created us. We sinned against God and now we have to die. God loves us so much though that he made a way out of death so he could keep us. He paid the price of death for us. He came into the world in the form of a man, called His son, Jesus. Jesus suffered and died in our place. He was killed buried and rose from the grave in three days overcoming Death. If we believe in our hearts and confess with our tongues this truth we will be saved. That is it in a nutshell. Now this is where it can get tricky. We can do everything that appears to be correct on the outside.. But if there is “NO REAL CONVERSION” it will not be real. We have to be “BORN AGAIN” being made a new creation. NEW CREATION…that continues.. to the END -- Are You A New Creature in Christ? If we are not changed individuals, if we have not REPENTED of our sins, or at least confess them and seek help from GOD daily with diligent effort, If our feelings about sin have not changed, the things we used to like we don’t like them anymore, such as filthy language, Sex with others out -side of marragie, disrespecting the Lord. If our words and thoughts have not changed: Profanity and slander don’t feel as good as they once did. The types of movies and music we used to like have changed. If we don’t have new desires of God now. Wanting to learn more about God, etc.. Then we have not truly been converted in our hearts. ALL THE OTHER STUFF IS USELESS. The sinner’s prayer, The baptism, going to church, reading the Bible the giving of money and time is dead work, if we have not become new people with new desires and a new mindset on the things of heaven, then we have not really believed in our hearts. Only in our heads. No real change has taken place… Explain - He who does the will of God is saved. What is the will of God? Obedience.. .. If we have a pure heart we will confess all our sins, seek God to help us where we are weak, repent daily of all known sins, Trust God by faith to continue to keep us. Learn and grow in Christ, and never let go. Continue until the end. So many have fallen away from this transformation of God thinking they are saved. Becaue they once believed, said the prayer, went to church and somehow they believe they are still saved.. I am here to tell you that is more than likely a clever illusion and deception they hold onto from the Father of Lies. Lucifer wants you to believe it is ok to continue in sin, that you will be ok anyway. don’t worry about it. Youre saved it is ok to continue to sin, many don’t even confess their sins with any real effort to stop sinning. They go to church and confess like it is some kind of protocol. It is the change of the HEART that matters. DO you cry over your sins. DO you sweat blood and cry tears seeking diligently for the LORD to untangle you from the web you got yourself into.. Knowing what is right and Doing what is right is the difference between knowing For sure with confidence you are saved and being on the seductive comfortable path to destruction. Hell is filled with many complacent lazy deceived so-called Christians playing with God. Pretending to be saved. Either willingly or unknowingly walking in darkness. We are not really “BORN AGAIN” completely until Christ’s Return.. We have yet to get our “NEW BODIES” and until then we must workout our salvation with fear and trembling, faithfully obedient until the END> if we fall away there is NO GAURENTEE we will be saved. NONE>>
For those who endure until the end. He is the one who has OVERVCOME..
Are you truly saved? Or are you playing religious games. Your eternity is on the line here..
Get right with God before it is too late..
Know for sure that you are Saved, brothers and sisters.