By Levi Price

This demonstrates the difference between someone who obeys God and who is truely Born Again and someone who disobeys God and merely claims to be saved.
Two Contradictory Sprits

What is Faith?

God Gave Science to Man

Be Holy Stop Sinning

How Do You Know You Are Saved?

The Minimum Requirements to go to Heaven

Be Holy and Stop SInning

Be Holy and Stop Sinning

Jesus commands us to repent and be Holy as He is Holy
On of the biggest lies Lucifer against the body of Christ is the False teaching that we are bound by our sins. He has deceived many with this “Doctrine of Dual Nature”
It teaches that on one hand we are “Born of God”, but on the other hand we can not stop sinning.

Now that is totally contradictory to what the Bible Teaches us. The Bible clearly says if we are Born of God we will not continue in sin.. In 1st john.

He whispers this old familiar IDEA in our minds so many times that we actually begin to believe it. Convincing the body of Christ that “it‘s ok to sin a little, after all, “Nobody’s perfect, so why even try to be” .. Have you ever heard this thought or idea before?? That we can never be perfect and we are always going to sin.

I recommend you study my teaching on “The Biggest Lie Ever Told to Mankind” and study how the enemy creates doubt then interjects a bold lie against the Knowledge of GOD… He tells us over and over, “Nobody’s perfect, so why even try to be” Everybody is a sinner..

Jesus was perfect and He is born in us. We are not considered sinners anymore. By our new birth and the new life we have in Christ we are actually called “Saints” But the enemy attempt to hypnotize and brainwash the minds of weak Christians. This is a deliberate attempt to paralyze and handicap the Body of Christ. If we were living in our full potential, walking in the Power of the Holy Spirit we would dominate our little kingdoms and dominions.

The Bible teaches us that those “Born of God” do not continue to sin. This does not mean they don’t sin. It simply means that we don’t continue to allow sin to rule us. It means they confess and repent immediately when convicted of sin by the indwelling Holy Spirit. It means we are against all sin, even the little sins. We take all sin serious and repent from it all immediately. If we are born of God, we will be lead by God Spirit away from all sin and into repentance. Those that repent from sin are Born of God. Those that deny they have sin are Born of the Devil.. Study John chapter 8.. If you can not hear the Truth you are not of the Truth…

The enemy of Truth teaches us that it is impossible to stop sinning.. This is a lie. God commands us to repent and be perfect and if we are born of God we will ‘BY FAITH’ live our lives, thoughts, behaviors, and actions in agreement with his word. By Faith we will do what He says. By Faith we will attempt to and try our best for the LORD.

When you study my other teaching on the Biggest lie ever told to mankind you will see Lucifer’s tactic being used in this false teaching…He first creates Doubt against the Truth by saying to us, “Did God really mean you can be perfect?” Surely that is not what he really means”

Then after an ample amount of doubt has set forth he interjects his bold face LIE, he continues to say, “God did not mean you could be perfect” It is impossible to be perfect” You are only human.. This is a lie from HELL.

Go study my video on the greatest lie ever told to mankind. Take a look at his clever tactics to deceive. It is being applied here in this deception of Dual Nature.

We aren’t only human. We have the supernatural power of the living God indwelling inside us. We must receive this truth - BY FAITH. If we really are BORN of God we will desire holiness and perfection in Christ. We will confess all hidden sin and with all diligent effort repent and seek God’s strength and power to walk holy unto him. We care about holiness and hate all sin.

We are to crucify the old nature. Nail its desires to our own personal cross. Not let it rule and control us. BY FAITH we must put it to death, everyday.!!! If we sin we crucify that sin immediately by faith. We turn to God and walk in the power of his Spirit.

God is judging our efforts, and our behaviors. He knows thoughts and the motives in our hearts. He knows our hearts. He knows if we are trying to live holy and perfect by Faith or if we just don’t really care.

If we believe we can obey God, by Faith, walk in the power of his Spirit, work out our salvation with fear and trembling in order to present ourselves worthy, holy and perfect as he is, repenting immediately when we sin, not making excuses to hang onto sin, then we are faithful children born of GOD..

However, if we don’t care about our sinful behavior, are complacent and allowing for sin to remain in our lives. Habitually and willfully disobedience, If our unbelieving heart confesses lies such as, “After all nobody’s perfect. We are only Human” Then we are proving God is not manifesting his Spirit in and through us. God can not contradict himself.

Then we are unfaithful, disobedient rebellious deceived children of the devil. We are one or the other.

Pray for wisdom and choose today whom you will serve.

My You Tube Videos (Teachings)

My Personal Teachings on You Tube

Stanley Miller Fooled By God

1953 Stanley Miller conducted an experiment to prove life could spontaneously be produced without any outside cause or direction. He put together in a test tube all the things he thought were present in the atmosphere of earth at the time and then he zapped it with electricity. Well 5 days later simple amino acids formed. Now this is not living organic matter, but it did amazed the scientific community and many doubted the need for God.
What is amazingly obvious to me is that he is trying to prove there is no need for outside causes or direction for the spontaneous production of life, which he did not prove anyway, but he actually ended up proving that you do need an outside force to create life.
Follow me closely on this thought:
He was the one who “Created” the experiment. He “placed” the test tube on the table. He “Added” all the components he believed were needed. He “Zapped” it with electricity. He is the outside forces and the “CREATOR” of the experiment and the results. He is trying to say that the amino acids could have developed all by themselves but he is the one who created them.
It is like saying eggs cook in a pan on the stove all by themselves. But then you put a pan on the stove. Then you turn on the heat and get the eggs prepared. Then you crack them open and add them to the hot pan. Then you stand back and watch them mysteriously cook all by themselves in the pan. You see? You did all the work. You created the cooked eggs in the pan. Just like he created the amino acids in the experiment. It would not have happened without the outside influences of a creator. He proved there must be someone or something that causes something else to happen.

God Gave Science to Man

God Gave Science to Man

God Gave SCIENCE to mankind so that we could observe, study and follow his amazing knowledge. He desires for us to be like him through Christ. Many non-believing special interest groups try to claim sole ownership of the divinely given scientific method. They claim and boast many truths against the knowledge of God, while actually denying, distorting and omitting any real scientific discoveries that disagree with their schemes. They pose as intellectuals, who are true scientists, but they actually hide behind a fortified of academic shields, supporting one another's immense lies and deceptions. The truth is Science points directly to God. He designed it that way, so we could put our faith in him sensibly, logically as well as spiritually.

Science is designed to assist our faith, to prove our faith and to demonstrate our faith. Science is the way we can worship God with our works, efforts, skills and talents. God loves to see us study and grow in his materialistic knowledge as well as his spiritual wisdom and understanding. Science is used for studying and exploring the power of God’s creativity and gives us even more understanding of his creation. He reveals his never ending knowledge concerning the creation to us so we can worship him in all things and in all ways, as we understand more clearly how he makes things work.

Science and faith are counter parts of each other and completely interdependent, they work together. There can be no science without Faith. And real Faith is proven by science. Faith without works is dead. Science, at its basic form, is simply recording what you observe to determine its value or truth. If we say we have faith in Jesus and have no evidence to be measured then that faith is DEAD FAITH and useless.

Anyway, I reclaim science for God and will not let atheistic unbelievers try to steal this awesome tool God has divinely given all men, which is to be use to glorify the creator.

That is all I have.

Can Someone Lose Their Salvation?

Can A Saved Person Lose their Salvation A Riddle:
It is a riddle more than a question. There is ample biblical evidence to support both sides of the debate, but do to a lack of congruent spiritual wisdom and understanding people have trouble grasping the true answer to the riddle. The correct answer, of course, is that a saved person, who is “truly saved“, can NOT lose there salvation. But here is the dichotomy: Who is truly saved? Can we judge that in another person. NO! We can only judge the surface of human behavior. We are not God.
If someone has absolutely no character change and continues to lie, gossip, who is habitually careless and reckless about their sins, has no inclination to repentance, then how can that person even suggest or believe that he or she is saved?
The riddle of salvation is not whether a person can lose salvation or not, but whether or not “True Salvation” has taken place. Many have deceived themselves into thinking that they are saved, all the while they willfully continue living in sinful rebellion.

What is Faith?

What is Faith?

What is Faith? How do we get it? Where does it come from?
I will demonstrate logically that everyone has and uses faith everyday all the time. Even atheistic evolutionists and secular scientists have and use faith. Faith is not only a Christian concept, designated for believers in GOD, but a mechanism of the human soul used to gather knowledge and decipher what one will believe as truth. People can have faith in the most absurd ideas. That is simply where they choose to place it.
Where does Faith come from? Romans 12:3 God has given every man a measure of faith. What is Faith? Hebrews 11:1 Faith is the Substance of things Hoped for and the Evidence of things not seen.
Faith is increased by what we hear and are taught: Romans 10:17 Faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God.
The Greek word for Substance means: underlying reality behind anything, objective reality giving a firm guarantee and the basis for confidence or assurance ground for hope and foundation.
The Greek word for Evidence means: having been tried and tested for the purpose of proving, means of proof.
Using these definitions we can see that no one is exempt from using faith. For an example, Our basic common knowledge of life is done so byway of faith. When we were little babes we were taught what colors were, math, and what the animals were. All this new knowledge was taught to us by words that we heard. As a little child we’ve never seen or heard these things before. “Things not seen” Heb. 11:1. So we began to utilize the measure of faith God has given us at birth and began to build our knowledge based of what we believe to be truth.
So anything that you hope for and believe is real, anything you trust as reality is done so by faith. Even if you place your faith in a lie, you are still believing with confidence that what you trust is a reality.
For instance, Atheists who believe in the deceptive false science of Evolution, although we know there is absolutely no real scientific evidence to support this absurd world view, they place their unwavering Faith in it as an absolute truth. As a matter of fact it takes more faith for them to believe in Evolution than it does to believe that God created the world. There is no concrete evidence for evolution and an enormous amount to support Intelligent Design.
More examples to come later.
By Levi Price
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What is the Soul?

What is a soul? How do you know you have a soul?
By Levi Price
This is an attempt to describe and identify what a human souls could be. Without using any scientific evidence other than sound logic, I will simply offer a viable explanation revealing the possible characteristics of what a soul probably is. I will further explain how we collect our knowledge and discuss how faith is mandatory for this process by everyone.
Critics of faith love to argue over this topic. They tauntingly ask, Where is the evidence that a soul even exists? What is a soul and where is it?
If a man has his heart hard and mind closed, even the clearest most obvious evidence will not convince him of any truth, so I am not really concern about the following statement: I will not claim to be able to prove with any certainty, through the conventional scientific method, what a soul is or whether we have one or not, but I can offer those who have curious hungry minds some delicious ‘food for thought.’
This is by no means scientific evidence, but rather a logical explanation that might seem reasonable. Just because something is logical doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s scientific. On the other side of the coin, just because something is a so called “science” doesn’t mean it is very logical. One thing that is certain, you can argue the differences.
I prefer to engage this topic by first logically demonstrating what I believe to be a “Soul.” If we can grasp any sensible description of what a soul might be, then I believe the other subordinate questions concerning the soul will be subsequently subdued.
First we must make the case to identify “what a soul is.”
Identifying a soul is very similar to identifying in space what is called a Black Hole. In the beginning scientists strongly denied that Black Holes even existed. Even if they do exist, they claimed, no one could ever see one because of its nature. It is perpetually black and swallows all the light around it making it impossible to see. Well, now virtually all scientist agree through new evidences brought forth from continuously patient study, and faith they exist, that Black Holes do indeed exist. Because of their presence near other objects in space, scientists have been able to measure their enormous influence on the matter around them. They can now understand and indirectly see them.
By this great example we can make a simple comparison to the questions concerning the soul, What is a Soul? Does it exist? We can not directly see a soul but I believe we can identify it by measuring it’s direct effects on the characteristics of human behavior.
If we were to answer the question, What is a human soul? We could say it is man’s unique characteristics, qualities and special abilities of the conscious mind. But what is that and what does something like this look like?
I find it interesting that I have been able to identify 6 of these unique qualities, especially since the number of man is 6 and on the 6th day, according to ancient scriptures, man was created.
Here are the 6 qualities that I have identified. I trust and believe these characteristics describe what a human soul is:
1. Man’s ability to preceive and understand, what he is experiencing through his senses, to have consciousness. For instance: I think therefore I am, If I jump off this cliff I am sure I will die. If I touch that fire it will burn me. I need to solve certain problem in order to stay alive. What is hunger? Why do I hunger? How do I solve these problem.
2. Man’s ability to ask questions, to wonder and be curious about his experience. For instance, How did I get here? Where am I from? What is my purpose? What happens after I die?
3. Man’s ability to reason logically and place values on what he experiences. For instance, How do you know 2+2=4? What is red vs. Yellow? Which way is up and down? How do you know these things? I saw a man fall from a cliff and die. How do I know that will happen to me?
4. Man’s ability to choose by free will his own preferences and values through his experience. How does one determine that he prefers chocolate ice cream over vanilla? How does one determine to not believe in the values of others?
5. Man’s ability to imagine, create, dream, set and accomplish goals. Where did man get the idea that we could fly? What is the imagination. Where does it come from?
6. Man’s ability to have faith in the things he values. Faith placed in the knowledge gained after concluding the asnwers to such questions: How did you come to even be curious about what a soul is? Why did you ask the question, what is a soul? Why did you want to ask that question? Where did your desire to understand what a soul is come from?
If we can identify what a soul is, the abilities to be aware, comprehend and learn, set and accomplish goals, ask questions then pursue and understand the answers, choose what to value or not and put our faith in it, then we might be able to logically prove that humans do indeed have souls.
Now you have a choice. You can dismiss all these special qualities and characteristics of human behavior and deny that they represent anything at all that might look like the effects of a human soul, or you can digest and process this information as logical evidence to describe what a human soul could be. I don’t really care. I am just bored today and having fun.
If we adhere to the previous line of thinking we can now answer the other question concerning the soul, How do you know you have a soul? If the previous observations of man’s unique qualities do seem reasonable in their attempt to describe what a human soul could be, then simply ask yourself the following: Do I have any of these same qualities? There is your answer.
However, to convince anyone of anything viable to be knowledge using scientific evidence in the end will be futile, because each person will ultimately have to place their investment of faith in the final conclusion.
In conclusion, keep in mind this very important, yet often overlooked fact. It is impossible to trust or believe in anything that does not require some level of faith. We all have a measure of faith. Faith comes by hearing and learning. We place our faith in what we trust and believe, the knowledge we have gained from our relationships and experiences of life.
All knowledge comes from the perception our own experiences, the testimonies of the experiences of others and the knowledge that we record in books or some other form of media. What we have learned becomes our knowledge base and we naturally place our faith in this knowledge. Faith is believing in what we have experienced, heard, learned or been taught.
This was exciting for me to share these excerpts of my personal thoughts. I am not sure how convincing I was, but I tried to make an attempt to describe and identify what a human souls could be. Using only sound reasoning and theoretical rhetoric, I explained what I thought could be the possible characteristics of a human soul. I further explained how we collect our knowledge and discussed how faith is required by every one for this process.
Unfortunately, so many naive people blindly place their faith in things that are not reputable or reliable simply because they heard someone say it. Repeated misrepresentations of false knowledge often times become the cornerstones of ones faith.

False Salvation Video

(False Salvation Video) You Tube

Many people think they are saved but they actually are not at all. Take this simple test: Ask yourself this question. If you are standing before God right now and he asked you, why should I let you into heaven? What would you say?

This is a good way of determining if someone has, at least, heard the correct academic knowledge of the Gospel of Salvation. This academic knowledge is not going to save you, but at least we can determine if someone has heard the True Gospel or not. People may have the right answer on their tongue and in their heads, but it is not in their hearts. They do not follow or obey the faith.

Here are some common answers to the question above, Why should I let you into Heaven? I have been baptized, I said the sinners prayer. I go to church, I am a good person. I help people. I read my Bible. I pray. I give my money to others. I go to a study group, I believe in God, I believe in Jesus. Those sound pretty good don’t they? But.

None of these by themselves will work for you. Now these last 2 are where it can get tricky, however. These last 2 is where a great deception can take palace. The enemy of God is very crafty in this area. It is essential that we understand and clarify what these mean: “I believe in God and Jesus” The scriptures tell us even the devils believe in the son of GOD. I have talked to many cults that say they believe in Jesus. Wolves in sheep’s clothing.

1. Saying that you believe in Jesus is not enough.

2. Simply repeating a prayer- “The Sinner’s Prayer” will not do either. This is empty, a repeating of pre-written words that have no meaning in the persons heart. If you tell the Lord on that day, Lord< I said the sinner’s prayer cant you let me in. That will NOT do.. 3. Being Baptized will not save you by itself either. 4. Going to Church will not save you. 5. Reading your Bible will not save you.. Words Then what is? What is the real evidence of true salvation. How can I be sure, confident and know that I am Born Again, Saved and going to Heaven? {Explain the gospel of salvation briefly}: God is real. He created us. We sinned against God and now we have to die. God loves us so much though that he made a way out of death so he could keep us. He paid the price of death for us. He came into the world in the form of a man, called His son, Jesus. Jesus suffered and died in our place. He was killed buried and rose from the grave in three days overcoming Death. If we believe in our hearts and confess with our tongues this truth we will be saved. That is it in a nutshell. Now this is where it can get tricky. We can do everything that appears to be correct on the outside.. But if there is “NO REAL CONVERSION” it will not be real. We have to be “BORN AGAIN” being made a new creation. NEW CREATION…that continues.. to the END -- Are You A New Creature in Christ? If we are not changed individuals, if we have not REPENTED of our sins, or at least confess them and seek help from GOD daily with diligent effort, If our feelings about sin have not changed, the things we used to like we don’t like them anymore, such as filthy language, Sex with others out -side of marragie, disrespecting the Lord. If our words and thoughts have not changed: Profanity and slander don’t feel as good as they once did. The types of movies and music we used to like have changed. If we don’t have new desires of God now. Wanting to learn more about God, etc.. Then we have not truly been converted in our hearts. ALL THE OTHER STUFF IS USELESS. The sinner’s prayer, The baptism, going to church, reading the Bible the giving of money and time is dead work, if we have not become new people with new desires and a new mindset on the things of heaven, then we have not really believed in our hearts. Only in our heads. No real change has taken place… Explain - He who does the will of God is saved. What is the will of God? Obedience.. .. If we have a pure heart we will confess all our sins, seek God to help us where we are weak, repent daily of all known sins, Trust God by faith to continue to keep us. Learn and grow in Christ, and never let go. Continue until the end. So many have fallen away from this transformation of God thinking they are saved. Becaue they once believed, said the prayer, went to church and somehow they believe they are still saved.. I am here to tell you that is more than likely a clever illusion and deception they hold onto from the Father of Lies. Lucifer wants you to believe it is ok to continue in sin, that you will be ok anyway. don’t worry about it. Youre saved it is ok to continue to sin, many don’t even confess their sins with any real effort to stop sinning. They go to church and confess like it is some kind of protocol. It is the change of the HEART that matters. DO you cry over your sins. DO you sweat blood and cry tears seeking diligently for the LORD to untangle you from the web you got yourself into.. Knowing what is right and Doing what is right is the difference between knowing For sure with confidence you are saved and being on the seductive comfortable path to destruction. Hell is filled with many complacent lazy deceived so-called Christians playing with God. Pretending to be saved. Either willingly or unknowingly walking in darkness. We are not really “BORN AGAIN” completely until Christ’s Return.. We have yet to get our “NEW BODIES” and until then we must workout our salvation with fear and trembling, faithfully obedient until the END> if we fall away there is NO GAURENTEE we will be saved. NONE>>

For those who endure until the end. He is the one who has OVERVCOME..

Are you truly saved? Or are you playing religious games. Your eternity is on the line here..

Get right with God before it is too late..
Know for sure that you are Saved, brothers and sisters.

My Cry For Repentance

It has become increasingly imperative for me to seek holiness in God. And even recently, I have begun to understand what “True Repentance” really involves.

The foundation of real repentance starts with a deep exhaustive and honest self-examination, followed by a sincerely complete confession. An examination so honest and pure as to even observe that there could be hidden darkness in ones heart; A fearful trembling of sincerity coming from a pure heart dedicated and committed to exposing the very depths of ones secret thoughts and motives is required.

The reality of limitations concerning “real repentance” are daunting to say the least, not to displace any responsibility that we all have to completely and utterly repent of all sins, but to acknowledge the seemingly insurmountable, even impossible, work load one has to overcome when obeying the expectations of a perfect God.

This would suggest the idea of wasting ones time, when trying to live holy outside of the necessary indwelling of the supernatural Power of the Holy Spirit, how else could one walk in Holiness, in Perfection of the Spirit.

In our weak human condition, we can only hope that in our desperate cries that God will quicken our hearts with the necessary desires to persist in our efforts to seek him. It is in the implanted supernatural desire of God that we can begin to take refuge.

I find myself recognizing my inability to break off certain stubbornness and rebellions bound in my heart. I can only rest in the security that God will have to act on my behalf.

I desperately demand a way out. I cry to him with deep confessions of helplessness. I fearfully remind God of his word, his promises, his love and mercy. I cry out in weakness and the inability to solve this devastating human condition on my own.

I ask for a pure heart, to be cleansed, to be strengthened by his Spirit. I humbly beg, then boldly, yet faithfully demand, that He keep his word to me.

Amazingly, He always does. He is only moved by a contrite heart. He hears a broken spirit. He is pleased with a faithful prayer. He loves it when I remind him of his word with faithful humble boldness.

He has lifted me up, I don’t see all the solutions right now, but he has lifted me up and placed me on his shoulders. As long as I remain broken and faithful before him, I will remain forever his.